Mutual Fund Replacement
Save by using similar low-cost ETFs instead
Holdings date | Feb 23, 2025 |
Number of holdings | 0 |
Coverage1 | 0% |
Expenses | 0 bp |
Max load | -- % |
Redemption fee | -- % |
Ticker | Fund | Overlap2 vs. |
Estimated Savings3 |
Disclosures: 1. Overlap is based on disclosed holdings as of Feb 23, 2025, with weightings for each holding adjusted for recent changes in price. Portfolio holdings may have changed substantially since then and as a result the overlap with an ETF may be significantly overstated or understated. In most cases we consider holding an American Depository Receipt ("ADR") as equivalent to holding the company's common shares. 2. Estimates of cost savings are hypothetical and based on certain assumptions, which you can change here. When calculating estimated savings, we consider the difference in stated management fees between the mutual fund and an ETF, the investment amount, holding period, and costs associated with trading an ETF including trading commissions and the average bid/ask spread. Mutual fund redemption fees, if any, are not included in our calculations, though investors should consider their impact when deciding on a potential replacement. Investors should also consider factors other than costs when evaluating a mutual fund or ETF, such as the portfolio manager's historical track record and skill in adapting the portfolio to changing market conditions. |
Key Assumptions
In calculating the expected cost difference between the mutual fund and a given ETF, we consider the difference in stated management fees, the total investment amount and holding period, as well as the costs associated with trading an ETF, including the trading commission and the average bid/ask spread.
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